
Lazy Summer Days | Fav TV Shows

If your summer is anything like mine not everyday is full of adventure or even socialising... This post is my passing in some of my antisocial expertise and showing you some of my favourite tv shows to binge on during those days where all you do is sit in and drink tea. (aka my entire summer)
First up is Gossip Girl. If you somehow haven't watched this show I would make it a priority this summer to watch this incredible show. I don't want to ramble too much about this one but Gossip Girl is definitely one of my all time favourite shows. Even if you have watched it before why not take a trip down memory lane and re watch some episodes.. which is exactly what I'm currently doing. (psssh I talk more about GG HERE)
Desperate Housewives, I don't even know where to begin. DH is hands down my all time favourite show. It has the perfect mix of comedy, serious story lines, relationships and heart ache. If for whatever reason you don't know what the show is about it's based around 4 housewives living on a little suburban street called Wisteria Lane. It basically shows these women dealing with their families, friends and work life. The show deals with some pretty dark story lines right from the get go. There's always some sort of drama going on.
The show certainly isn't overly girly and due to the humour both girls and guys can enjoy it. If you need a new great show to get obsessed over make this it! Also thanks to there being so many episodes you certainly won't be bored this summer.
Next is The Vampire Diaries, another favourite with many. I've been watching TVD since it's premier and loved it from the start. I really didn't think it would be something I'd be into but it's became a firm fav. The story lines are super gripping and always leaves you wanting the next episode. If you like a show with some action but still a little bit of romance TVD is perf for you.
AWKWARD is again a show I watched from the very start and loved. From the adverts it seemed right up my alley and I couldn't wait to watch it. However the show was different to how I expected it and somehow turned out much better than I could have imagined! It's a slightly different take on the typical high school show, it's almost believable compared to something like 90210 where they wear heels everyday and drive incredible cars. If you want to watch something you don't have to think about or really concentrate on AWKWARD is the show for you. Also thanks to the episode only being 20 minutes they're great to watch while getting ready.
What are some of your favourite tv shows?
Hope you guys enjoyed!
Love, Julie xx