Wait, what's this? 2 posts in one week.. crazy!
Recently I have actually went to the cinema a lot which is very strange as I rarely go and normally wait for the DVDs.However there has been a tonne of movies I have seriously wanted to see and it's a great excuse to meet up with friends now that I've finished school.
Firstly, after planning on seeing Maleficent but it being sold out, me and a friend decided to see Bad Neighbours as everyone had raved about it and it seemed pretty damn funny. And we were right. It's a pretty typical comedy with a silly storyline and a great cast. Would definitely watch it again and laugh just as much, highly recommend for a super easy, chill watch. Also a bonus that it revolves around Zefron and Dave Franco as frat boys...
After waiting another week we finally got to see Maleficent and boy was it worth the wait. If you don't know Maleficent is about telling her side of the story and what drove her to do what she did to Aurora aka Sleeping Beauty. The movie 100% lived up to the hype it created. Not only was the storyline amazing, shocking and seriously emotional but Angelina Jolie did a flawless job and looked incredible. Would honestly go see it again just for her acting.
Finally, I just got back from seeing The Fault In Our Stars and wow. I sadly haven't read the book yet but I wanted to experience the movie while it was still in the cinema. Although I was pretty pumped having watched just about everything relating to it online beforehand... I really don't know how to express my feelings towards this movie yet. The casting to begin with is exceptional, I'm not just talking about for Hazel and Gus, but all the characters I really loved and thought everyone just did an excellent job. It's the perfect mixture of humour, (Issac is hilarious) heart ache and sweetness all rolled into one. If for some reason you don't plan on seeing this movie you seriously must, it's now up there as one of my favourites and trust me its been a longggg time since a new movie has made it as one of my favs.
Oh and the soundtrack is such a great, chill listen, check it out for sure.
Have you seen any of these movies? What did you think?
What movie's have you been loving recently?
Hope you guys enjoyed!
Love, Julie xx
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