
Texturising Hair Products || 12 Days of Christmas

Hope you's are all having a lovely run up to Christmas and to anyone still at school, hopefully you'e like me and only have to wait until the end of the week until you're free again :)
(Apologies in advance for the not so up to scratch photographs here, the lighting was super weird but I'm hoping since the colours don't matter too much you's will forgive me, please..)
Anyway today I thought I'd let you guy's know about som of my favourite hair products.
I struggle with my hair, a lot. I have naturally very straight and flat hair and have trouble adding texture without using heat and volume. These are just a few products that I’ve found have helped improve my hair and the best news, they’re all inexpensive (around the £5 or less) and can be bought from Boots/Superdrug! Woo yeah.
The first product is Batiste Dry Shampoo in XXL Volume, something that many people have already raved about. I’m a bit late to try this as I only picked this up a few weeks ago but I can say I absolutely love it! I don’t so much use this as a dry shampoo as I wash my hair everyday without fail which I know isn’t very good for it but it’s a bad habit that needs to be broken. Although as a texturising type product it is great, also adds volume to my hair without backcombing. If I do decide to backcomb my hair I think it holds it better than hairspray, also a great alternative to hairspray if you don’t like your hair feeling crunchy. One downfall is it can leave a slight white residue so next time I’ll definitely pick up the one for brunettes instead.
The next product s VO5’s Extreme Style Surf Style Texturising Sea Salt Spray (wow). As you might be able to tell from the photos it’s on its last legs, I think I may have one or two more uses out of this. I seriously love this stuff. A lot of the time I sleep with my hair in a French plait to add texture to it but I still like to brush my hair when I take it out. As you can probably guess this make my hair go veryyyy static so spray a little bit of this in gets rid of the frizz and makes the waves look more natural and not so perfect. Also if you have some natural movement to your hair this will help enhance it and hold it all day.
Lastly is my trusty teasing brush from Boots. I don’t know what I can really day about a brush other than this is so great at creating volume in my hair and is quick to do with better lasting power than if it was done with a normal comb. Also great if you have particularly frizzy or lots of baby hairs when doing something like a ponytail as it really smoothes everything down and makes for a really finished and polished look
What products do you like to use in your hair?
Hop you gys enjoyed this post!
Love, Julie xx

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